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Blurred image of a beautifully cooked meal of grilled meat and veggies as the sauce is poured over it, with the book cover of Hollyhock Cooks and the blog title: How to Cook Successfully for Large Number of People.

How to Cook Successfully for Large Numbers of People

Whether it’s a family reunion, a festive holiday meal, or a summer BBQ get-together, cooking for a crowd is all about planning ahead, getting creative, and keeping things organized. These tips from Hollyhock Cooks: Food to Nourish Body, Mind and Soil will help you to make your next big cooking adventure a delicious success!

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Sunset through dried foliage

Interview with Zoe Weil, author of The Solutionary Way

Zoe Weil’s groundbreaking book The Solutionary Way explores how we can cultivate compassionate and sustainable solutions to global challenges. In this author interview, she discusses what it means to be a solutionary and why it is so important today.

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Patterns of Evolution

In this excerpt from The Regeneration Handbook, author Don Hall explores the concept of balance and how it dynamically manifests in nature and evolution.

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The Lens of Upfront Carbon

In this excerpt, Alter outlines the two sides of the carbon-emission reduction battleground – the supply side and the demand side – and why one might be the more important one to pay attention to in order to mitigate climate change.

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Ocean with coral and tropical fish swimming around

What Will Happen to the Ocean During Climate Collapse?

Understanding the core revenue streams of your farm is vital for strategic planning and sustainability. It enables informed decision-making on resource allocation, investment, and diversification. By identifying profitable avenues, farmers can optimize operations, mitigate risks, and adapt to market fluctuations, ensuring long-term profitability and resilience in the agricultural sector.

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A colorful array of flowers in a garden

Why Does My Garden Not Look Like The Garden Writers?

Have you ever wondered why no matter how hard you try, your garden looks nothing like the gardens in the gardening columns? You aren’t alone! In The Intelligent Gardener, Steve Solomon explains why it can be hard – if not impossible – to achieve the same results as those in the gardening columns.

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A plastic free sign help up in front of a river and trees

Happy Earth Day 2024

While we spend lots of time thinking about climate change and positive solutions for troubled times at New Society Publishers, we’re also always keen to celebrate and collectively consider how we might create a more just, equitable, and cleaner future for all.

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How to Harvest and Use Wild Ginger

Did you know that you can forage for many delicious and important plants this early in the season? In Foraging As A Way Of Life, Mikaela Cannon outlines an entire year of foraging. In early spring, she looks to wild ginger, weeping willow, Norway maple, kinnikinnick and early blue violet. Today, we’re taking a look at the uses and harvesting of wild ginger.

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