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A book banner featuring covers of select New Society titles: Our Ecological Footprint, Coming Back to Life The Market Gardener and the Resource Manual for a Living Revolution.

A History of New Society Publishers: Inspiring Change For A Better World

Founded in 1980, New Society Publishers emerged from the Movement for a New Society(MNS), influenced by Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. They focus on producing literature supporting global social movements, covering nonviolent activism, feminism, environmental sustainability, and alternative economics, aiming to inspire a more just and sustainable world.

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A man leans away from a woman staring at him angrily while sitting on a couch.

Empower Yourself with Nonviolent Communication

To foster mutual understanding and master nonviolent communication, we must merge diverse viewpoints through meaningful conversations, actively listening, reflecting, and striving for clarity to bridge perspectives and cultivate genuine understanding.

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A beautifully cooked meal of samosas and extras on the table

How to Cook Successfully for Large Numbers of People

Whether it’s a family reunion, a festive holiday meal, or a summer BBQ get-together, cooking for a crowd is all about planning ahead, getting creative, and keeping things organized. These tips from Hollyhock Cooks: Food to Nourish Body, Mind and Soil will help you to make your next big cooking adventure a delicious success!

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Sunset through dried foliage

Interview with Zoe Weil, author of The Solutionary Way

Zoe Weil’s groundbreaking book The Solutionary Way explores how we can cultivate compassionate and sustainable solutions to global challenges. In this author interview, she discusses what it means to be a solutionary and why it is so important today.

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A water droplet balances on the end of a leaf.

Patterns of Evolution

In this excerpt from The Regeneration Handbook, author Don Hall explores the concept of balance and how it dynamically manifests in nature and evolution.

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Essential Items for Your Emergency Kit

As we work to process the realities of climate change, learning to manage our emotions around this crisis is crucial. But as climate disruption continues and increases, preparing for scenarios such as utility disruptions, local disasters involving floods or fires, or unseasonal freezing or heating can also help us move from panic mode into action mode.

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Two factory workers, a man and a woman on the floor

The Lens of Upfront Carbon

In this excerpt, Alter outlines the two sides of the carbon-emission reduction battleground – the supply side and the demand side – and why one might be the more important one to pay attention to in order to mitigate climate change.

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