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Solar Electricity Basics, Revised and Updated 2nd Edition

Powering Your Home or Office with Solar Energy

Solar Electricity Basics is a highly readable introduction to a promising technology, ideal for homeowners, business owners, builders, and students. It covers everything you need to work with solar electricity including sizing a solar electric system, types of systems, how systems operate, and costs and benefits.

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A guide to choosing and using solar electricity systems from “the man who launched a thousand rooftop solar arrays . . . the essential go-to manual” (John D. Ivanko and Lisa Kivirist, coauthors of ECOpreneuring).

As we look for safer, more economical, and more sustainable ways to meet our needs for electricity—and as more and more electric cars hit the road—solar has become an increasingly popular option. With Solar Electricity Basics, renewable energy expert Dan Chiras offers a concise and up-to-date guide covering all the essentials. It explores:

  • How to size, cost, and choose the right system, including off-grid vs. grid-tied vs. grid-tied with battery backup
  • Where to mount a system for maximum performance
  • What type of modules and inverters to buy
  • How to install and maintain batteries
  • Cost vs. benefit for solar electric systems
  • How to connect to the grid, and what type of net metering your area offers

Solar Electricity Basics is an indispensable guide for homeowners, business owners, builders, and students for figuring out solar electricity quickly and easily.

About The Author(s)

Dan Chiras, PhD, is the author of 38 books, including Solar Electricity BasicsPower from the WindPower from the Sun, and The Homeowners Guide to Renewable Energy. He has taught workshops on solar electricity and passive solar heating for the Evergreen Institute, the American Solar Energy Society, the Colorado Renewable Energy Society, the Missouri Solar Energy Industries Association, and the University of Colorado. Over the past 45 years, Dan has published articles on natural building, green building, solar electricity, passive solar design, self-sufficiency, and sustainability in publications such as Solar TodayHome Power, and Mother Earth News. He has installed numerous solar electric and wind systems in Missouri and has lived on solar electricity since 1996. He lives on a solar- and wind-powered farm in Gerald, MO.

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ISBN: 9780865719255

Page Count: 224

Dimensions: 6 × 9 × 0.55 in

Publication Date: November 12, 2019

Images: Black & White Images

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