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Our Ecological Footprint

Reducing Human Impact on the Earth

Our Ecological Footprint presents an internationally-acclaimed tool for measuring and visualizing the resources required to sustain our households, communities, regions and nations, converting the seemingly complex concepts of carrying capacity, resource-use, waste-disposal and the like into a graphic form that everyone can grasp and use. An excellent handbook for community activists, planners, teachers, students and policy makers.

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Our Ecological Footprint presents an internationally-acclaimed tool for measuring and visualizing the resources required to sustain our households, communities, regions and nations, converting the seemingly complex concepts of carrying capacity, resource-use, waste-disposal and the like into a graphic form that everyone can grasp and use. An excellent handbook for community activists, planners, teachers, students and policy makers.

About The Author(s)

William Rees is the Chair of the School of Urban Planning and Regional Development at the University of British Columbia.

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Mathis Wackernagel, born in Basel, Switzerland, is co-creator of the Ecological Footprint and president of Global Footprint Network, which was named one of the World’s 100 Top NGOs by The Global Journal. Wackernagel has worked on sustainability with governments, corporations, and international NGOs on six continents, and has lectured at more than a hundred universities. He previously served as the director of the Sustainability Program at Redefining Progress in California and ran the Centro de Estudios para la Sustentabilidad at Anáhuac University in Mexico. Wackernagel has authored or contributed to over one hundred peer-reviewed papers, numerous articles and reports, and various books on sustainability including the bestselling Our Ecological Footprint. With dozens of international awards and accolades for his pioneering work, he has been identified as a leader who is driving the world’s most significant problems to zero. He lives in Oakland, CA.

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ISBN: 9780865713123

Page Count: 176

Dimensions: 6 × 9 × 0.5 in

Publication Date: January 01, 1996

Images: Black & White Images

Illustrated by

Phil Testemale

Part of the New Catalyst Books Series

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