A Brief History of the Earth’s Climate is an accessible, illustrated, myth-busting guide to the natural evolution of the Earth’s climate over 4.6 billion years, how and why human-caused global warming and climate change is different and more dangerous, and how to counter skeptics and deniers with sound science.
Steven Earle, PhD, has worked as a geologist and developed and taught university-level courses in earth sciences and climate change for over four decades. He is the author of the IPPY award-winning A Brief History of The Earth’s Climate and the widely used post-secondary textbook Physical Geology, now in its second edition. A dedicated community activist, he spearheads local engagement with climate change solutions including low-carbon transportation initiatives, heating systems, and land stewardship. Steven and his family live in a nearly net-zero house on a small sustainable farm on Gabriola Island, BC, Canada.
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