The Mediator’s Toolkit offers an array of methods for mediators to develop the skills to formulate and ask strategic questions that shift perspectives and result in successful mediated outcomes in any context.
Gerry O’Sullivan is a mediator, trainer, and facilitator with over 30 years of experience in conflict resolution and training. She is an advanced member of the Mediators’ Institute of Ireland (MII) and is a member of the US-based Mediators Beyond Borders Consultants Team. She has delivered training internationally with Lawyers Without Borders, in partnership with the Director of Training from CEDR, UK. Gerry delivers accredited Certified Professional Mediation Training in Ireland and has delivered mediation training for the University of Limerick’s Masters in Peace and Development program, and she was involved in the development of mediation training in the Law Faculty of Griffith College, Ireland. Gerry is Director of O’Sullivan Solutions and she lives on the southwest coast of Ireland.
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