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Growing Conifers

The Complete Illustrated Gardening and Landscaping Guide

Growing Conifers is a beautifully photographed, comprehensive guide for cultivating, gardening, and landscaping with conifers. It covers ecological benefits, science-based placement, cultivar descriptions and selection, growing requirements, landscape maintenance, and climate benefits of evergreens.

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Evergreen your landscape with the beauty and benefits of conifers

Growing Conifers is a beautifully photographed, comprehensive gardening guide for selecting and cultivating conifers. Coverage includes:

  • Conifer taxonomy, classification, and geographic distribution
  • Selecting conifers for size, shape, color, and texture
  • Best practices for placement and planting of trees, shrubs, and groundcovers in urban and rural gardens
  • Growing needs and low-input maintenance
  • Building healthy soil, minimizing water stress, and integrated pest management
  • Benefits of conifers including habitat, water and air quality, carbon sequestration, aesthetics, and food.

Conifers are often overlooked in gardening and landscaping in favor of deciduous trees and shrubs. Yet conifers come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and colors and offer tremendous aesthetic and ecological benefits for any garden.

Growing Conifers is an essential, comprehensive resource for gardeners and landscape professionals looking to develop beautiful, sustainable landscapes.


New Society Publishers is an activist, solutions-oriented publisher focused on publishing books to build a more just and sustainable future. They pride themselves on holding the highest environmental standards of any publisher in North America. In 2002, they committed to printing all their books (including their full color books) on uncoated 100% post-consumer recycled paper, processed chlorine-free, with low-VOC vegetable-based inks. In doing so, the Growing Conifers’ print run alone saved 66 fully grown trees, 5300 gallons of water, and 28,000 lbs of greenhouse gases. When you buy New Society Publishers’ books, you are part of the solution!

About The Author(s)

John J. Albers has over 30 years of experience growing and caring for conifers in a variety of garden situations. He is an educator for the Washington State Nursery and Landscape Association (WSNLA), an ecoPRO-certified sustainable landscape professional, and a former Washington State University / Kitsap County Master Gardener. He created Albers Vista Gardens, a 4-acre property containing 1,200 different species and cultivars, including 500 different conifers representing 130 different conifer species. John is author of The Northwest Garden Manifesto and a frequent presenter to garden clubs, master gardeners, members of the nursery and landscape industry, and the general public. He lives in Bremerton, Washington.

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David E. Perry is a professional photographer who has photographed for books, including The Northwest Garden Manifesto, magazines, Fortune 500 corporate annual reports, and national ad campaigns for more than 35 years. He lives in Seattle, Washington.

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ISBN: 9780865719569

Page Count: 224

Dimensions: 8 × 10 × 0.6 in

Publication Date: May 18, 2021

Images: Full Color Throughout

Photography by

David E. Perry

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