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Essential Rainwater Harvesting

A Guide to Home-Scale System Design

Essential Rainwater Harvesting covers complete home-scale rainwater harvesting system design including goal setting, system planning, site assessment, calculations, and material selection and sizing for all climates.

Editor: Chris Magwood & Jen Feigin

Foreword By: Peter Coombes

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Design a rainwater harvesting system for any home in any climate.

Water is a crucial resource increasingly under stress. Yet rainfall, even in arid climates, can make up a sizable portion of any home, acreage, or farm’s water requirements if harvested and utilized with care. The key is appropriate planning and high-quality site- and climate-specific design.

Essential Rainwater Harvesting is a comprehensive manual for designing, building, and maintaining water harvesting systems for the warm and cold climates of the world. Presenting design considerations and approaches for the most common household rainwater supply scenarios – primary, supplemental, and off-grid supply – this step-by-step approach covers:

  • Considerations for full-property water security
  • Demand planning and conservation strategies
  • Supply calculations and design implications for extreme rainfall and drought
  • Materials selection and water quality
  • System and site assessment
  • Sizing and design of gutters, conveyance, tanks, and pumps
  • Pre-filtration, filtration, and disinfection options
  • System maintenance and upkeep

This practical resource provides DIYers, trades, and rainwater practitioners with the essential tools, methods, and technical know-how to design, build, and maintain rainwater harvesting systems anywhere.

Rob Avis, P.Eng and Michelle Avis, P.Eng own and operate Adaptive Habitat, a leading edge property design firm for resilient homes, acreages, and farms and Verge Permaculture, a globally recognized award-winning education business. They have over 20 years of combined experience in project management, ecological design, and sustainable technologies, which they share at vergepermaculture.ca from their suburban house and yard that they’ve transformed into a model of cold climate urban permaculture in Calgary, Alberta.

About The Author(s)

Rob Avis, PEng, is co-owner and operator of Adaptive Habitat, a leading-edge property design firm for resilient homes, acreages, and farms, and Verge Permaculture, a globally recognized award-winning education business described by Geoff Lawton as “one of North America’s premier permaculture design and education companies.” Co-author of Essential Rainwater Harvesting, Rob has been professionally involved in project management, ecological design, and sustainable technologies since 2005. He lives in Alberta, Canada.

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Michelle Avis, PEng, is co-owner and operator of Adaptive Habitat, a leading-edge property design firm for resilient homes, acreages, and farms, and Verge Permaculture, a globally recognized award-winning education business described by Geoff Lawton as “one of North America’s premier permaculture design and education companies.” Co-author of Essential Rainwater Harvesting, Michelle has over a decade of experience in project management, ecological design, and sustainable technologies. She lives in Alberta, Canada.

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ISBN: 9780865718746

Page Count: 172

Dimensions: 8.5 × 11 × 0.43 in

Publication Date: December 11, 2018

Images: Black & White Images

Audiobook Narrator: Nate Drury

Audiobook Length: 6:00:45

Part of the Sustainable Building Essentials Series

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