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Essential Earthbag Construction

The Complete Step-by-Step Guide

Essential Earthbag Construction is an illustrated guide to building with earth-filled polypropylene bags, a low-impact, highly durable method of construction. It includes material specifications, installation, design guidance, foundations, wall plastering, basic utilities, seismic reinforcement, maintenance, and the variety of uses.

Editor: Chris Magwood & Jen Feigin

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Build economical and resilient earthbag structures using simple tools and techniques.

Earthbag construction- building with polypropylene bags usually filled with earthen materials- is a versatile, easy-to-master, low-impact, and highly durable form of building, suitable for structures from houses to root cellars.

Containing over 75 photos and illustrations, Essential Earthbag Construction is a practical guide to this affordable method of building. Going well beyond the scope of other sources, this indispensable manual is packed with all the information you need to determine if it’s the right choice for your project, and to start building. Distilling decades of experience, research, and best practices, it covers:

  • Material specifications, performance, and when and where to use it
  • Pros and cons of different fills from gravel, to earth and clay, to insulative perlite, rice hulls, and volcanic stone
  • Illustrated, step-by-step guidance for efficient bag filling and installation
  • Details for various designs, including domes and arches
  • Foundation options and seismic and stability considerations
  • Finishing and maintenance techniques
  • Tools and materials
  • Additional resources.

Essential Earthbag Construction presents the practical guidance and best practices for both the DIYer and professional to design and build high-quality earthbag structures.

About The Author(s)

Kelly Hart is a pioneering earthbag builder, author, and filmmaker. The building of his multi-dome earthbag Colorado residence is chronicled in the video Building with Bags: How We Made Our Experimental Earthbag/Papercrete House. Kelly also founded and hosts the widely visited natural and green building websites greenhomebuilding.com, devoted to all aspects of sustainable architecture and natural building, dreamgreenhomes.com, which features a wide range of ecological home plans for sale by various architects and designers, and earthbagbuilding.com which explores in depth the many possibilities for building with earthbags. Kelly’s other publications include Rolling Shelter: Vehicles We Have Called Home, Remodel Green: Make Your Home Serve Your Life, and Earthbag Architecture: Build Your Dream with Bags. Kelly lives in Silver City, New Mexico. 

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ISBN: 9780865718647

Page Count: 144

Dimensions: 8.5 × 11 × 0.288 in

Publication Date: May 01, 2018

Images: Black & White Images + Color Section

Part of the Sustainable Building Essentials Series

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