Foreign Rights & Permissions

Foreign Rights Point of Contact

A woman with glasses and gray hair, wearing a white sweater, stands outdoors under tall trees in the background.

For all inquiries regarding foreign rights, including overseas translation rights, please contact:

Julie Raddysh

[email protected]


All materials published by New Society Publishers are protected under copyright law. Written permission from the publisher is required to reproduce any part of these materials, whether in print, online, or in audio or video format. Examples which require permissions include a short quotation from one book to be used in another book, a table or chart from a book to be reprinted in a newsletter or a magazine, a section of a book to be photocopied for classroom use, etc. All permission requests must include:

  • Title, author, and ISBN of our book
  • Title, author, and publisher of your publication
  • The material from our book you wish to reproduce – please use page numbers from our book and not information from some other excerpt
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  • Contact information

How To Submit Your Request

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Attn: Jean Wyenberg
PO Box 189,
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V0R 1X0

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[email protected]
Attn: Jean Wyenberg

Note: If you are wishing to copy pages from one of our books for use in a school classroom please send the request on school letterhead, or from a school email address, and provide the following:

  • School, professor, and course information
  • Number of students in the course
  • Exact pages from the book that you wish to copy
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