Vegan Hot Cocoa with Whipped Cream and a Decadent Irish Cream

Aerial shot of a cup of cocoa in a Ho Ho mug with candy canes and small marshmallows scattered on the table.

There is no better way to curl up with your next favourite book than with this recipe for hot cocoa. Taken from a few of our titles, we’ve created what can only be described as “the perfect vegan holiday hot drink” and trust us, that title doesn’t do it justice.

Vegan Hot Cocoa with Whipped Cream and a Decadent Irish Cream

Hollyhock Hot Cocoa 

Mugs want to be filled by this. Regular hot chocolate wants to be this. Decadence is defined by this. Coconut milk is luscious, thick and creamy and makes for one heck of a fine base for hot cocoa. You can add water to lighten it up a bit, or leave it out for an extra-rich treat. We dare you to drink this with a dollop of Coconut Whipped Cream* (186) and a Double Chocolate Vegan Cookie (171) — can you handle it?

* recipe included below

  • 1¾ cups (400ml can) coconut milk
  • ½–1 cup water or dairy
  • alternative (optional)
  • 3 tbsp dark cocoa powder
  • 3 tbsp agave or sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • pinch of salt
  • Serves 2-3
  • Vegan
  • Heat coconut milk (and water, if using) in a small pot on medium heat.
  • Whisk in cocoa powder and agave. Make sure to not boil as the coconut milk will separate.
  • Remove from heat and add vanilla and salt.
Hand holding a cup of hot cocoa with a plastic spoon.

Hollyhock Coconut Whipped Cream

No one should ever be denied their right to eat whipped cream. For far too long, vegans’ strawberries have been naked. Their hot chocolate has been topless. The time has come to end this injustice. Coconut milk to the rescue! Separating the cream from the water in a can of coconut milk is the key to this light and fluffy whipped cream. Serve on top of cakes, pies, crumbles and Hot Cocoa-Nut (218). Now you can put whipped cream on all the things you’ve always wanted to…we’re guessing you might have a few things in mind.

  • 1¾ cups (400 ml can) coconut milk (not lite)
  • 1–2 tbsp confectioners’ sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • Makes about 1 cup
  • Vegan
  1. Place can of coconut milk in the fridge until it is thoroughly chilled, overnight is best.
  2. Open the can of coconut milk. There will be a thick layer of coconut cream that has solidified at the top. Scoop out the coconut cream, stopping when you reach the water below it. Set the water aside and use for another recipe, add to a curry or soup or use in a smoothie.
  3. Place coconut cream in the bowl of a stand mixer and whip on high for about 3–5 minutes. Cream will become fluffy and light with soft peaks. Add powdered sugar and vanilla. It’s best to keep this at room temperature until you are ready to serve; keeping it in the fridge will cause it to firm up and lose its whipped cream fluffiness.
A clear mug of hot cocoa with whipped cream topping sits on a wooden cutting board next to a cut pastry and an orange.

Irish Cream from Farmstead Chef

Ring in the Winter Solstice with a glass of indulgence! With a decadent cream base, keep this Irish Cream refrigerated and use up within 2 weeks. Trust us, that won’t be hard.

  • 1 c. half & half cream
  • 12/3 c. whiskey (any kind)
  • 1 t. instant coffee powder
  • 1 t. vanilla extract
  • 1 t. almond extract
  • 1 T. cocoa powder
  • 2 T. sugar
  1. Combine all the ingredients in a blender and blend for about 30 seconds. Place in a large glass jar (we use a canning jar).
  2. Keep refrigerated. Give the sealed jar a good shake to remix the ingredients before pouring over ice or adding a splash to coffee.
A clear glass of Irish Cream with ice.

About the Author

Heidi Scheifley has spent the past 15 years in kitchens in Greece, Southeast Asia, Egypt, Israel, Nepal, India, Hawaii and Hollyhock Lifelong Learning Centre on Cortes Island, British Columbia. She received her certification as a Gourmet Natural Foods Chef at the Bauman College of Holistic Nutrition & Culinary Arts. Heidi is co-owner/operator of Cook’s Cooperative and is passionate about pure, local, and organic foods.

Moreka Jolar has been a chef at Hollyhock for 15 years. She is co-author of the bestselling cookbook, Hollyhock Cooks.

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